Monthly Archives: April 2020

Buzzword Convergence: Making Sense of Quantum Neural Blockchain AI—Stephen Wolfram Writings

Not Entirely Fooling Around What happens if you take four of today’s most popular buzzwords and string them together? Does the result mean [...]

(PDF) Towards rapid mechanical customization of cm-scale self-folding agents

Large robotic collectives provide advantages suchas resilience to mechanical failure of single agents and in-creased capabilities for search [...]

Channable – Lessons in Managing Haskell Memory

The Haskell runtime system employs a generational garbage collector (GC) with two generations2. Generations are numbered starting with the y [...]


Kryptos is a sculpture located on the grounds of CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Installed in 1990, its thousands of characters conta [...]

Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful—Stephen Wolfram Writings

It’s unexpected, surprising—and for me incredibly exciting. To be fair, at some level I’ve been working towards this for nearly 50 yea [...]

Entanglement of propagating optical modes via a mechanical interface | Nature Communications

Many applications of quantum information processing (QIP) require distribution of quantum states in networks, both within and between distan [...]
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